Call of Duty Heroes :
One of my favourite Game. Unlike the regular games of call of duty , heroes ditches the fps action and goes insted with a strategic style.You can control the COD characters fly drones , build up your base unleash lethal killstreaks .its a lot of fun filled game.
Leo's Fortune :
One of the finest looking games on iOS, Leo's fortune is a adventure game wherein you must recover the titular character's gold that has been stolen. From beautifully designed levels to addictive gameplay this is one of the best game for adventure lovers.
Tales from the Borderlands :
By Telltale games , the team behind Wolf among us, The Walking dead , Tales from the Borderland is a story has plenty of nods to other games in the Borderland series takes place on the planet of Pandora.especially on the iPhone 6 Plus it looks fantastic.
Vainglory :
Reveled this september, Vainglory is one of the first games to really take adventure of the power possessed by the iPhone 6. The hack 'n' slash online battle style game pushes the A8 processor to provide smooth, 60 fps gameplay and sleek, detailed graphics looks crispy .